As of today, criminals will get an increased payment in the drug factory. The new increase gives them 20 drugs for every successful escape and 25 drugs for every kill inside the drug factory. That's a two-fold increase on every successful escape and 25 % increase on every kill.
The reason of this increase is because cops gets extra money when they arrest the criminals after they escape. Also, cops do not have to go to jail. In an interview with Rick, one of the developers behind this, he said:
I hope to achieve that criminals and cops will both win once in a while, trying to make it balanced. Because if one of them totally massacres the other, then nobody will attend. But you should know that the payment won't get increased anymore.
Many criminals were complaining about the bad payment. Time will tell us if they will continue to complain. Do you think the drug factory is more balanced now? Comment your opinion below!
Author: Crystalii
Good, maybe we'll see a bit more exciting DFRs.