Tuesday, September 25, 2012

First committee meeting finished! See what was agreed

Today, the CIT committee had its first official committee meeting. The committee agreed on making a new map for the Bank Robbery, more known as BR. Everyone, even you can make your own map suggestion for BR.

There is more cops in LS than criminals, something the committee wanted to change by giving criminals more stuff to do in LS than just the bank robbery and the drug factory. If you have ideas on what more criminals can do in LS, just post it in Server Development. Here is the ideas the CIT committee came up with:

  1. Drug truck delivery ( You have to deliver a truck and all criminals must protect it, law will try to attack this truck )
  2. Pimp Job
  3. Train Robbery
  4. Graffiti 
  5. House rob improvements ( Add weapons and drugs along with cash as reward )

Also the drug availability is not good. The committee therefore had to think of ways to put more drugs in the game, and this was by giving drugs from house robbing.

The ammo prices are too high, and it's becoming too expensive for criminals in Las Venturas. So everytime you kill a person in Las Venturas trying to turf or defend. It calculates how many bullets you used to kill that person, and gives you back a small amount of that weapon depending on how many bullets you wasted.

The committee agreed that there are not enough events in the server. Therefore new events was discussed:

  1. Hunger game event
  2. Trick or Treat Halloween weekend event ( Go to a house and click a button, get 1 - 3 free drugs per house. Maximum houses you can Trick or Treat everyday is 50. ) On Halloween.
  3. Olympics ( Every 1-3 month. It lasts ~3 days and consists many kind of games and 'sports' ).
  4. Island last man standing
  5. Counter-Strike on CIT
Note that above are what the committee agreed on. It is not 100 % guaranteed that everything written above will be added to the server!
Author: Crystalii

1 comment:

  1. In Graffiti, can we spay any kind of pictures on the wall or is it gang signs? For hobos and gangs like that have there own graffiti i think so
