Monday, February 11, 2013

Steve's Interview

Steve’s Interview

1.      What’s your real name and country of residence?
Steve and I live in the USA

2.      How did you think of such a unique name for CIT?
It is my name, and  I used it on every server I played

3.      What are your hobbies?
Playing games, skateboarding, when I'm up north I snowboard, and chilling with friends and anime.

4.      So what are your favorite animes? What animes do you recommend for new anime fans?
Fairy Tale, Sword Art Online, and Clannad has to be my favorite. Those are the 3 I would recommend, but it really depends on what sort of anime they are into.

5.      What do you think about Naruto?
I don't like it.

6.      How long have you been playing CIT?
I played closed beta off and on, but I never really got into CIT until around Sept.2011

7.      How did you get invited to the beta?
I was never invited. I sorta just invited myself. I played the server that Arran had developed with Callum before he went off to develop CIT. I found out the password from a certain person who was invited. I got on, they knew who I was, but nothing really happened.

8.      What do you think of the other server in retrospect?
I didn't really like it. The leadership was lame, and it was pretty buggy.

9.      What are your real-life ambitions?
I plan on interning for the FBI in Washington my senior year in the university, and hopefully landing a job there. I also want to go to Japan.

10.  What do you plan on doing within the FBI?
Investigator. Field work, on murder cases and such things like that

11.  What did you like most about being an admin?
Being able to warp myself to a small disclosed location where no one could bug me. I also liked being able to put new stuff into the server.

12.  Favorite memory in CIT?
I don't really have a favorite moment. Just hanging out with Gus was cool.

13.  Do you have any in game goals?
I no longer play.

14.  Tupac or Biggie?
Neither. I listen to dubstep/hardstyle.

15.  Tell us about the early days of NSM
NSM started off in the server that Arran used to develop for. I created it with Gus, and it had probably about 4 or 5 people in it. Gus and I were usually on Skype with someone named Hyper(He changed his name a lot). It was usually us 3 that took turf We then grew in numbers, etc and eventually got allied with TS. Starcroc was the person that did the alliance stuff. We made some enemies like TCO, but overall it was pretty fun.
Eventually, Gus went over to CIT and asked me if he could bring NSM and I said yeah and that's how NSM got to CIT

16.  Tell us about being a developer
It was pretty annoying. I mostly had to come up with the ideas myself because everyone on the server development board only wanted things that would benefit themselves, or wanted things that only Arran/Cheeze could add. I was able to add a lot of things in though, and a lot of them are still used to this day One of them being /stats and the drive-thru

17.  How has CIT changed since you started playing?
I wouldn't really know considering I haven't actually played for almost a year now. When I left CIT, I never really came back

18.  Do you ever see yourself coming back to CIT?
No. I play World of Warcraft on 2 high raiding teams that takes up 4 days of my week, plus I work and go to a university.

19.  Describe NSM’s current situation
Probably not doing too good. Pretty inactive.

20.  Who is your best friend in CIT?

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